Ibiza Trail Maratón Festival
Race organicer
Club Deportivo Es Puig Ibiza
On October 25th, the 17th edition of the Ibiza Trail Marathon will take place at the Sant Antoni de Portmany Promenade. Both the start and finish lines of the three races will be located at this Promenade, near the beginning of S’Arenal Beach. This event is included in the Balearic Athletics Federation calendar.
There will be three race distances:
- Marathon (48 km)
- Half Marathon (28 km)
- Starter (11 km)
All information is available at www.ibizatrailmaraton.com.
Only runners 18 years or older (or those turning 18 in 2025, in the U20 category or higher) are allowed to participate in the Marathon and Half Marathon races. Minors are not permitted.
For the Starter race, runners 16 years or older (or those turning 16 in 2025) may participate. However, if the runner is under 18 on race day, they must present a signed parental or legal guardian authorization when collecting their race bib. The guardian assumes full responsibility for understanding and accepting the race regulations.
Registrations will be open from April 1st until October 19th at 11:59 PM. No registrations will be accepted after the deadline.
Athletes with a Road/Trail Running license, national license, or a one-day license (available for purchase on the registration website) are eligible to participate in this competition.
A limit of 500 participants per race has been established.
Registration Point:
· Online at www.ibizatrailmaraton.com
The race regulations may be corrected, modified, or improved at any time by the Organization, with proper communication to participants and a period for claims and issue resolution.
By registering for any of the event’s race categories, participants fully accept the terms and conditions outlined in these regulations.
Start Times – Saturday, October 25th
Marathon – 7:30AM
Start at Sant Antoni Promenade (maximum time: 7 hours 30 minutes)
Half Marathon- 8:30h
Start at Sant Antoni Promenade (maximum time: 6 hours 30 minutes)
Starter – 10:00h
Start at the same location as the other distances.

Time Limit
All participants in each race must cross the finish line before 3:00 PM; once this time limit is exceeded, the runner will be automatically disqualified and removed from the race. After this time, the organization will dismantle all security infrastructure along the entire course.
For the Marathon race, there will be cut-off times at the following checkpoints:
KM 20: 11:00 AM (Aid station – Santa Inés)
KM 38: 1:45 PM (Aid station – Cap Nonó)
Any runner who does not reach the checkpoint within the stipulated time will be disqualified by race officials or event staff (their bib will be removed) and transported to the finish line by an official vehicle.
For the Half Marathon race, there will be an intermediate cut-off at KM 17.5 at 12:00 PM (Aid station – Cap Nonó). Any runner who does not meet this cut-off time will be disqualified by race officials or event staff (their bib will be removed) and transported to the finish line by an official vehicle.
A runner who, after disqualification for missing the cut-off times, decides to continue on the course, does so at their own risk, releasing the organization from any responsibility for incidents or accidents that may occur after disqualification, understanding that all security infrastructure and aid stations will be removed.
Obligatory equipament
For the Marathon distance, it is mandatory to carry a headlamp (running light), a fully charged mobile phone, a windbreaker or rain jacket (depending on weather conditions), a cup for aid stations, and a thermal blanket.
For the Half Marathon distance, it is mandatory to carry a fully charged mobile phone, a windbreaker or rain jacket (depending on weather conditions), a cup for aid stations, and a thermal blanket.
For the Starter distance, there is no mandatory equipment, but a personal cup is required if the runner wishes to use liquid aid stations.
The mandatory equipment check will take place at the entrance to the starting corrals and will begin 30 minutes before the start of each race. This check will be conducted by race officials with the assistance of event staff.
There may be additional mandatory equipment checks at the finish line or at any point along the course deemed necessary.
Aid stations
At the aid stations, NO CUPS WILL BE PROVIDED for drinks, and it is the RUNNER’S RESPONSIBILITY to bring their own cup. It is strictly forbidden to drink directly from the aid station dispensers. There will be aid stations, some of which will also serve as checkpoint and cut-off points, at the following locations:
- Km 12,5
- Km 20
- Km 30,3
- Km 38
- Km 43,5
META: Km 48
Half Marathon
- Km 12,5
- Km 17,5
- Km 23,5
META: Km 28
- Km 6,5
META: Km 11
It is the participant’s responsibility to properly manage any waste they generate and to dispose of it only at the designated aid station bins or in the finish line area.
Additionally, there will be checkpoints set up by the organization along the course, which participants must pass through.
At each checkpoint, race officials or event staff will verify runners’ passage, record bib numbers, and note any irregularities observed.
The organization will position specialized staff at specific points along the course and at checkpoints to ensure the safety of all participants.
Withdrawal from the Race
If a participant wishes to withdraw from the race, they must immediately inform the organization.
Withdrawals can only take place at the aid stations designated by the organization in the event program. At these locations, vehicles will be available for evacuation.
Any runner who abandons the race at any other point must reach the next checkpoint on their own. There will be only one evacuation trip, which will take place at the closing time of the checkpoint.
It is the runner’s responsibility to be familiar with the race regulations and the RFEA (Spanish Athletics Federation) rules, as well as the race course. All registered participants accept the race regulations and the Spanish Athletics Federation trail running rules and commit to complying with them. By registering, each participant fully accepts these regulations.
Participants must follow the instructions of law enforcement officers, race officials, and event staff.
All participants are obligated to assist or provide help and to report any accidents they witness to the nearest checkpoint.
The only authorized vehicles allowed to follow the race are those designated by the organization. It is forbidden to follow the runners on motorcycles, bicycles, or any other vehicles.
Complaints must be made verbally to the Chief Judge and must be accompanied by a €100 deposit, no later than 30 minutes after the provisional rankings are published.
The organization is not responsible for any accidents or damages suffered or caused by participants.
The organization provides a civil liability insurance policy in accordance with current legislation.
The use of headphones is prohibited, as well as poles with tips that are not rubber-coated.
The race bib must be properly placed on the front of the shirt and must remain visible throughout the entire race. It must not be folded, cut, or have any sponsor logos covered. The use of a bib holder is allowed, as long as it complies with these same rules.
By registering for the Ibiza Trail Marathon, participants give their consent to Club Deportivo Es Puig Ibiza for the commercialization and use of photos, video recordings, and race results for exclusively sports or promotional purposes, through any media (television, internet, printed advertising, etc.).
The organization is not responsible for physical, moral, or material damages that may affect participants and/or spectators during the race.
Participants must respect the natural environment in which the race takes place and keep it clean. It is forbidden to leave any containers or waste outside the designated aid station disposal areas.
Additionally, runners must read and comply with the Environmental Commitment document, which will be provided during bib collection and is also available on the event website.
Refurn policy
The refund policy is as follows:
- Before August 31st: Participants may request a full refund of the registration fee without justification.
- Between September 1st and October 15th: Participants may request a 50% refund of the registration fee without justification.
- From October 16th onwards: No changes or refunds will be allowed.
In case of medical reasons preventing participation, a refund request may be submitted, regardless of the above deadlines.
If the event cannot take place due to circumstances beyond the organization’s control (such as weather conditions, pandemics, or permit issues), the runner may choose to transfer their registration to the next edition or request a refund. However, the organization will not cover expenses related to food, accommodation, travel, or any other costs associated with the event.
For all refunds, the organization will deduct a 1% banking fee from the refunded amount.
A category will be considered valid if at least 3 athletes are registered. Otherwise, the organization may cancel the category and reassign the athletes to other categories.
The categories are as follows:
- Senior Male
- Senior Female
- Veteran A Male (30 to 39 years old)
- Veteran B Male (40 to 49 years old)
- Veteran C Male (50 to 59 years old)
- Veteran D Male (60 years and older)
- Veteran A Female (30 to 39 years old)
- Veteran B Female (40 to 49 years old)
- Veteran C Female (50 to 59 years old)
- Veteran D Female (60 years and older)
- Absolute Male
- Absolute Female
Trophies will be awarded to the top 3 finishers in the absolute classification and to the first-place finisher in each category for each race. Trophies will not be cumulative.
Additionally, the organization has established a special category for all three distances, awarding a trophy to the top male and female finisher of each distance who resides in Ibiza (Local Category, which is cumulative with other prizes).
Each runner will compete in the gender category stated on their official ID (DNI).

Bag Drop Services
In the start/finish area, there will be a bag drop service to safeguard the belongings of the participating athletes. Bags can be retrieved using the race bib number.
Race control
Timing will be conducted via a chip embedded in the race bib. The chip will be collected along with the race bib, as outlined in the participant program on the event website. The technical control of the race will be carried out by the judges of the FAIB Committee, supported by the chip timing system.
Several types of infractions are distinguished:
Minor Infractions
A penalty of 1 to 5 minutes will be applied to runners who:
- Do not wear the official race bib.
- Do not yield the way when another runner requests to overtake.
- Alter or cover the advertising on the race bib.
- Cross the finish line without a bib.
- Start before the official signal.
Serious Infractions
A penalty of disqualification or a sanction between 5 and 15 minutes will be applied to runners who:
- Do not carry the mandatory equipment in its entirety (5 minutes per missing item).
- Do not complete the entire course (disqualification).
- Use a race bib assigned to another athlete (disqualification).
- Litter outside designated areas (aid stations and up to 100 meters after) or damage the natural environment (disqualification).
- Do not follow the instructions of race judges or event staff (disqualification).
- Fail to respect sportsmanship and fair play rules (disqualification).
- Show disrespectful behavior or make inappropriate gestures towards race staff, judges, or other participants (disqualification).
- Finish the Half Marathon or Marathon after 3:00 PM or fail to meet any intermediate time limits (disqualification).
- Do not assist an injured runner (disqualification).
- Tamper with course markings (disqualification).
- Lose the timing chip (disqualification).
- Use headphones (5-minute penalty).
- Use trekking poles without rubber tips (5-minute penalty).
Disqualified runners will automatically forfeit any possibility of winning a trophy.
Medical service
There will be a medical professional responsible for this service. All athletes with physical, respiratory, allergic, or other medical conditions requiring special attention must notify the organization before the race and indicate it on the back of their race bib.
In the event of an accident or illness requiring transportation or medical attention at the designated medical center covered by race insurance, the participant must first contact race staff to file a claim with the insurance company, ensuring proper medical assistance without issues or costs for the runner.
Ambulance service
There will be an ambulance service at the start/finish area and at intermediate points designated by the organization.
Race insurance
All officially registered participants will be covered by an insurance policy that will cover accidents occurring directly as a result of the race. This insurance does not cover incidents arising from pre-existing conditions, latent illnesses, injuries, recklessness, negligence, failure to comply with laws or race regulations, or any accidents that occur while traveling to or from the event location.
Race security
The Local Police of Sant Antoni de Portmany, Civil Guard, Civil Protection, and the Organization are responsible for ensuring the safety of the race. Participants must follow all instructions given by the designated security personnel.
There will be a sweeper runner for each race distance, accompanying the last runner on time through the established checkpoints.
In the event of adverse weather conditions, serious incidents affecting race safety, or other force majeure circumstances, the Organization reserves the right to modify cut-off times, change the race start time, neutralize, or even cancel the event.
Bib Collection
Bib collection will take place on:
- Friday, October 24th, from 4:00 PM to 8:00 PM at Hotel Blau Park, Sant Antoni de Portmany (Calle Velázquez 9).
- Saturday, October 25th, from 7:00 AM to 9:00 AM at the start area.
Each participant must identify themselves to the organization at the time of bib collection using a DNI or Passport.
For underage participants, a Minor Authorization Form, signed by a parent or legal guardian (hereinafter Authorizing Person), must be presented at bib collection. The Authorizing Person must be aware of all the conditions stated in these regulations and, through the Minor Authorization Form, confirm that the participant acknowledges and agrees to comply with all stated conditions.
All registered participants who have declared that they hold a license must present their Atletismo+Trail or higher license, or their DNI, in order to collect their bib and participate in the race.

October 25th. The countdown begins!
Sign up now and be part of a unique event that combines sports, nature, and excitement. Limited spots available!